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Peyronie's Disease and Physical Therapy

Hi friends! Have you or your partner began to have a curved penis with painful erections? This may be Peyronie’s disease can often make sex difficult and painful for one or both partners and (Stone, 2020).

What is Peyronie’s disease?

A formation of scar tissue/fibrous plaques which cause changes to the penis, especially when erect (Stone, 2020). Peyronie’s disease affects nine percent of males worldwide (Stone, 2020)

What Causes Peyronie’s Disease?

Prostate cancer and other conditions that can decrease blood supply to the penis are commonly associated with Peyronie’s disease. These can include:

  • Radical prostatectomy (Tal, 2010)

  • Radiation to treat prostate cancer (Frey, 2017)

  • Heart disease

  • Smoking

  • Autoimmune/genetic disorders, like those that cause Dupuytren’s contractures (Ziegelmann, 2020)

  • Abdominal, pelvic, or hernia repair surgeries

  • Overactive pelvic floor muscles

  • Vigorous sexual activity (Ziegelmann, 2020)

What Treatments Are Available? (Stone, 2020; Ziegelmann, 2020)

While much of the research about treatment options for Peyronie’s disease is new and upcoming, there are several options. Talk with your providers to see what may be best for you.

  • Ultrasound to the scar tissue—this may be most beneficial in the early stages (Stone, 2020)

  • Physical therapy—including manual therapy and stretching to the penis, pelvic floor muscles, and hips along with pelvic floor muscle relaxation exercises

  • Vacuum constriction/pump devices to stretch the penis

  • Extracoropral shockwave therapy

  • Injections

  • Medications

If the conservative treatments above are unsuccessful in treating Peyronie’s disease, you and your providers may consider surgical straightening of the penis or a penile prosthesis.

Regardless of the treatment option you choose, there is help and there is hope to return to pain-free intimacy with your partner! Learn more about male pelvic health and Peyronie's disease in the video below.

Here are some great resources to learn more about your pelvic floor:

For providers, check our online courses to help your clients experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction. Consider joining our Ambassador Program and most of our courses are included with your membership!

What experiences or tips do you have that can help others? We’d love to hear them. Please join the conversation in the comments section below.  

Written by Emily Reul, PT, DPT


1. Stone J. Physical therapy intervention for peyronie disease as a missling link for female dyspareunia: a case report. J Womens Health Phys Therap. 2020;44(1):26-31.

2. Ziegelmann MJ, Bajic P, Levine LA. Peyronie’s diesaes: contemporary evaluation and management. Int J Urol. 2020;27(6):504-516.

3. Frey et al. Prevalence and predicting factors for commonly neglected sexual side effects to external-beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer. J Sex Med.2017;14(4):558-565.

4. Tal et al. Peyronie’s disease following radical prostatectomy: incidence and predictors. J Sex Med. 2010;7(3):1254-1261.

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