5 New Years Resolutions for the Pelvic Floor
Can you believe that it is now 2025? With the new year often comes New Year’s Resolutions. Resolutions can be so many different things. They can be focused on health, careers, relationships, or anything else you can think of! Resolutions may be things we want to stop doing, or new things we want to incorporate into our lives. This year, we challenge you to make sure you’re following these five rules as part of your new year to help your pelvic floor stay happy and healthy!. Read more...

9 Tips for Tight Pelvic
Floor Muscles
Have you struggled with pelvic pain, constipation, difficulty emptying the bladder, pain with sex, or tailbone pain? While these are not the only symptoms you my have, they are common if you have pelvic floor muscles that are too tight! Here are 9 tips to help deal with tight pelvic floor muscles.
#1 Identify the Cause
This is a huge step in treating pelvic floor muscles that are too tight.
Read more...​

5 Pelvic Floor Approved
Holiday Gifts
The holidays are here and that often means trying to find the perfect gifts. That may be for loved ones, for the holiday party at work, or anyone else in your life. Here are 5 gifts that are pelvic floor approved!
#1 The Squatty Potty is a fan favorite at gift exchanges! It certainly gets the room laughing, but many times it will make life easier by helping to prevent straining while pooping. Read more...
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I am so glad you are here. Pelvic health is crucial to a vibrant, independent life. Many people needlessly resign to painful sex, leaky bladders, pelvic discomfort and so much more simply because they lack support. But we’re here to change that. And so are you. Let’s do this.
Jeanice Mitchell